You’re one step closer to having an awesome FIGJAM story to share with the world. Larissa Ham is looking forward to working with you and we’ve let her know to expect your answers to the profile form shortly.

Now is always the best time to take action and keep moving, so if you have a few minutes, the form is on this page if you can fill it in right now.

Otherwise, we’ll also send you an email with a link to the form if you need to do it later.

What happens next?

1. Complete the questions in the profile form

Please complete the profile form on this page. Once we receive your information, we’ll have Larissa contact you to make an appointment.

2. Organise a time for your consultation​

Once Larissa contacts you, you can agree to a time directly with her for your consultation to help her understand your story and what you intend to use the biography for.

3. Your story returned for your feedback

Larissa will send you your bio ready for your comments and feedback

4. Your finalised bio

Larissa will incorporate your comments and send you the completed bio.

Please remember that the entire process is designed to take no more than 7 days. Fees are non-refundable once you have spoken with Larissa.